Teacher Profiles


Bernadette Jones

Junior High Science

9 years at St. Damian


Bernadette Jones

Junior High Science, Student Council Moderator, Science Fair Coordinator

  • Governor’s State University, BBA
  • St. Xavier, Master's Degree in Elementary Education

Science Fair Judge for the Illinois Science Fair in Carbondale, Illinois 2019, Science Fair coordinator for St. Damian School for the last 4 years. Student Council Moderator, Recycling committee member and coordinator at St. Damian.

Since I was a little girl, I always had the interest to teach others.  When I went into high school, I began to participate in business classes.  Throughout college, I went through the business program and found myself loving the training aspects of human resources.  At the time, I was engaged and wanted to complete my education in business.  I met many wonderful teachers and professors, and I was inspired.  I was married, working as a legal secretary, and was starting a family.  I stayed at home with my two kids for a few years. Throughout that time at home, I still had the urge to go back to school to teach.  So, I started night classes towards my license and masters degree.  I couldn't wait to get in the classroom.  I wanted to be that teacher that students can look back on and say they learned some wonderful things from me.  I wanted to give back.  I believe to this day that God had a plan for me.  His plan was for me to be at St. Damian from day one of my journey through school.  I didn't know it at first, but I know now that St. Damian is where He wants me.  I truly enjoy what I do, the students, families, and all the staff there.  It has been a wonderful ongoing journey!   When I am not in the building, I am spending time with husband of 20 years, my 16 year old son, and my 13 year old daughter.